Would You Say I Have A Plethora Of News?

So, quite a few things happening recently and I haven’t been updating much. Oops, sorry ): First and foremost, Susie is now moved out and waiting on her security deposit. Woot! The apartment/house search continues. Also, the folks in charge of WBIG are morons. First day of the new schedule and it was a cluster fuck of epic proportions. Meh. Which means, it’s Monday, and it’s my weekend. Weird. And the best news of the past week; I got my car back today, and also finally got my stimulus check. $1,450 baby! And the first 1K goes to Susie for my car. FUCK. (Also, where the hell is my tax refund???) ...

May 4, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Episode IV: A New Schedule

A new schedule is just over the horizon, and today it was finalized. We shall be working four 6-hour days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday 6 to 12 ish. Also, each of us will take a day during the week, which will fall on our regularly scheduled days. I gave Tim the choice of day and he deferred back to me, so mine day is Monday, 7 to 1 ish.

April 28, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Hazard Pay?

Finally! Cardinal is going to do something right for it’s employees The plan is to bring all the employees back, for all 3 shifts and run what they can (not really much business) and shut down early every week so everyone can collect unemployment and get the extra $600 per week in COVID benefits. So basically, we’re going to work less, collect partial unemployment and get the $2400 per month from the government. Fuck yeah! “Hazard pay” ...

April 22, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat


Got that appraisal today. Close to what I thought. $2300. not terrible but… Ya know. Unnecessary. Oh well.

April 16, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Gothic Snowflakes

I’m not usually one to use derogatory terms for any group. Period. But this isn’t an ordinary situation. So, Susie’s landlady rented out the apartment upstairs. She’s young, goth, pierced, and socially awkward. Great. Last Thursday, during our nightly call, the new tenant started blasting music. And not for the first time. Susie asked me what to do, and I told her to knock on the neighbor’s door and ask her to turn the “music” down. Before she could do that the girl upstairs yelled down through the floor “Shut the fuck up!”. And then things just got weird. ...

April 13, 2020 · 2 min · thagoat

Another Brick in The Wall

We don’t need no education. And that’s why schools are closed for the remainder of the school year. Now… What will they do about next year? Repeat the grade for all students? All students except seniors? Push everyone through? Time will tell. Until then, a few teachers are holding weekly virtual classrooms to keep the kids involved, and handing out packets for the kids to complete. Also some are giving silly, non-mandatory assignments to keep them connected and attentive. ...

April 9, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Deer vs. Nissan

TL;DR Nissan lost. On my way to my essential job this morning at 5:45 am, met a deer on the road. Kicker was, I was going in at 6 instead of 7 and could have avoided this whole fiasco. Pictures here.

April 7, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Say What now?

So today I put up a ceiling fan with a light fixture for Susie’s parents. No biggie, it went well and I replaced their old dimmer switch with a new rocker switch. Cool. When I was finished I told Pete that it was done and he was busy watching Guv Wolf’s daily brief. He got up from his chair to tell me that the pandemic was created to ruin the economy because that’s the only thing “they” couldn’t take away from Trump, and they will use it to take away his re-election. ...

April 3, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat


1 million people infected worldwide. 1,000,000. With an “M” It’s very sobering. It started on the other side of the world. You think, “Wow, sucks for them.” Now it’s here and killed almost 6,000 in the US alone. Scary shit, man.

April 2, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Hunker Down

It’s been a few days, but nothing has really been happening, besides massive increases in infections. Woot. Yesterday, on freaking April Fool’s Day, Wolf ordered the whole state to stay-at-home. #stayathome So what did Mason and I do? Went to Walmart. And what a shit-show. Some fine folks from Berwick were on hand to make the trip memorable. It was totally People Of Walmart yesterday. They had the entrance and exit separated by a line of carts, and caution tape to keep people from mingling. And the masses were upset to be told to keep their social distance. Truly a sight to behold. ...

April 2, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat