Having raised Mason all through his sporting adventures, I get to do it all over again with Jameson. But this time with a whole new perspective. I don’t get to watch Jameson much, as his sports days coincide with Mason’s and they are at the Wilkes-Barre YMCA

Well this week was my week! I took the week off for Susie’s surgery and I got to watch 2 events. The first was his swim evaluation.

Oh boy!

He did NOT want us there to observe! He threw a mini tantrum and barely participated. He did jump in from the starting block and that’s his favorite part, but that was about all he was willing to do.

Then today I got to go to a basketball practice. He’s not going to be a baller. But he’s only 5 and has a long future ahead of sports, and hopefully he finds something he enjoys and excels at!