Hazard Pay?

Finally! Cardinal is going to do something right for it’s employees The plan is to bring all the employees back, for all 3 shifts and run what they can (not really much business) and shut down early every week so everyone can collect unemployment and get the extra $600 per week in COVID benefits. So basically, we’re going to work less, collect partial unemployment and get the $2400 per month from the government. Fuck yeah! “Hazard pay” ...

April 22, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Profit Before People

So as all Cardinal Wilkes-Barre employees learned on Friday, our illustrious Plant Manager values money over employee health and wellness. We can watch the number of infected people rise alarmingly everyday, and see that he remains unconcerned, calling this pandemic “No Big Deal!” We received hard copies today, of a letter to inform PSP that we are, in fact, allowed to work during the shutdown. The fucks! So today I wore an N95 mask all day, and gloved up for every call I answered. ...

March 23, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat


Got the call from Giant today, went for an interview, got hired, and literally as I was walking in the door got a call from Dave saying the plant is open. I’m going into work tomorrow.

March 20, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Happy Covid-19!

Applied for a job at Giant today. Also tried to open an unemployment claim and the website is crashed. Wunderbar!

March 20, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Unplanned Vacation

So the higher-ups came through and are going to follow the ban. Free vacation! Now, how do I get paid??

March 19, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat