Here They Are!

Here it is! The best time of year! The Holiday Season! So I’m not a huge holidays person. Christmas was my mom’s favorite holiday. She went all out with decorating, baking, music. The works. And after she died it was always a hard time for me. When Mason was little, and he believed, it was easier. I enjoyed the season. But then he turned into a teenager and the spirit vanished! I had a few rough years where I was sad around this time of year. ...

November 22, 2021 · 2 min · thagoat

The Boys of Summer

It’s that fabulous time of the year again. Spring. And with Spring comes Baseball! The big leagues are playing, fans are back in most stadiums in some capacity, and Mason is playing too! Very much playing. On 4 teams! So the schedule is pretty hectic, and it seems like all I’m doing is driving to this practice, or that game, or some other field. But I love it. Which Susie loves to remind when I start to complain about all the running. Yes, it’s crazy and busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. ...

April 20, 2021 · 1 min · thagoat


Got the official word today, I’m now the 2nd team lead. And a small raise comes with the position. $4,160. TYVM

June 1, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat

Honor Society

Mason got accepted into the Nation Junior Honor Society! Amazing!I’m a very proud dad. =)

May 30, 2020 · 1 min · thagoat